Hui Lu

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
Email: at
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I am looking for motivated students to work with. If you are interested, please drop me an email.


I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). My research interests span operating systems, systems virtualization, file and storage systems, computer networks, and systems performance optimization, especially in the context of cloud computing. Before joining UTA, I was an Assistant Professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton. I received my Ph.D. degree from Purdue University, where I researched in FRIENDS Lab under the direction of Professor Dongyan Xu.

I am the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award (2023).

Selected Publications (full list)

  • DLRover-RM: Resource Optimization for Deep Recommendation Models Training in the Cloud, VLDB' 24
  • Nomad: Non-exclusive Memory Tiering via Transactional Page Migration, OSDI' 24
  • PVM: Efficient Shadow Paging for Deploying Secure Containers in Cloud-native Environment, SOSP' 23
  • p2Cache: Exploring Tiered Memory for In-Kernel File Systems Caching, USENIX ATC' 23
  • Parallelizing Packet Processing in Container Overlay Networks, EuroSys' 21
  • BAOVERLAY: A Block-Accessible Overlay File System for Fast and Efficient Container Storage, SoCC' 20
  • PLASMA: Programmable Elasticity for Stateful Cloud Computing Applications, EuroSys' 20
  • BASS: Improving I/O Performance for Cloud Block Storage via Byte-Addressable Storage Stack, SoCC' 16
  • vFair: Latency-Aware Fair Storage Scheduling via Per-IO Cost-Based Differentiation, SoCC' 15
  • vTurbo: Accelerating Virtual Machine I/O Processing Using Designated Turbo-Sliced Core, USENIX ATC' 13

  • Sponsors

    National Science Foundation (NSF) Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)